Thursday, 29 September 2011

Origin of “Hello”

The Word "Hello"
Arguably, the first thing that most people say when they pick up a phone
is "Hello" all over the world, but not too many people know about its
origin and why it is used. Before ‘Hello' became popular, telephone operators
used to start conversations with, "Are you there?" or "Are you ready to talk?"
The man who made ‘Hello' famous was the same one who gave us the electric bulb
and the ceiling fan - Thomas Alva Edison. While working on improving Graham Bell's
design of the telephone, he discovered that the word ‘Hello' could be heard
10 to 20 feet away. Now, as a word that could be heard clearly over a distance
was quite a discovery it was popular! Interestingly enough, Graham Bell, the
person credited with inventing the telephone, is believed to have preferred
starting conversations with "Ahoy."!


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